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Productions scientifiques/techniques


Publications Scientifiques


Local flexibility in feeding behaviour and contrasting microhabitat use of an omnivore across latitudes

 Leclerc, J-C; de Bettignies, T; de Bettignies, F; Christie, H ; Franco, JN; Leroux, C; Davoult, D ; Pedersen, MF; Filbee-Dexter, K ; Wernberg, T 

OECOLOGIA     Early Access: MAY 2021

Robustness analysis of metabolic predictions in algal microbial communities based on different annotation pipelines

 Karimi, E; Geslain, E; Belcour, A; et al. PEERJ   Volume: ‏ 9     Article Number: e11344   Published: ‏ MAY 6 2021

Isotopic tracing reveals single-cell assimilation of a macroalgal polysaccharide by a few marine Flavobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria

Thomas, F., Le Duff, N., Wu, TD.,  Cébron A,  Uroz S, Riera P, Leroux C, Tanguy G, Legeay E, Guerquin-Kern J.-L. ISME J (2021). 5 MAY 2021

Semi-Quantitative Targeted Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Profiling Supports a Late Side-Chain Reductase Cycloartenol-to-Cholesterol Biosynthesis Pathway in Brown Algae

Girard, J; Lanneau, G; Delage, L; Leroux, C ; Belcour, A ; Got, J ; Collen, J ; Boyen, C ; Siegel, A ; Dittami, SM ; Leblanc, C ; Markov, GV. FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE   12: 648426   DOI 10.3389/fpls.2021.648426 Published: ‏ APR 27 2021

Sustained productivity and respiration of degrading kelp detritus in the shallow benthos: Detached or broken, but not dead

Frontier, N; de Bettignies, F; Foggo, A; Davoult D. MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH   166:   105277   DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2021.105277Published: ‏ APR 2021

Induction of Phlorotannins and Gene Expression in the Brown Macroalga Fucus vesiculosus in Response to the Herbivore Littorina littorea

 Creis Bendelac E; Delage L; Valllet L,   Leblanc C ; Kruse, I ;  Ar Gall E ; Weinberger F; Potin P MARINE DRUGS   ‏: 19185 DOI: 10.3390/md19040185   Published: ‏ APR 2021

Biochemical characteristics of a diffusible factor that induces gametophyte to sporophyte switching in the brown alga Ectocarpus

Yao, Haiqin; Scornet, Delphine; Jam, Murielle; et al. JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY   Early Access: MAR 2021

A community perspective on the concept of marine holobionts: current status, challenges, and future directions

Dittami, Simon M.; Arboleda, Enrique; Auguet, Jean-Christophe; et al. PEERJ   Volume: ‏ 9     Article Number: e10911   Published: ‏ FEB 25 2021

A Novel Protein from Ectocarpus sp. Improves Salinity and High Temperature Stress Tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana

 Rathor, Pramod; Borza, Tudor; Stone, Sophia; et al. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES   Volume: ‏ 22   Issue: ‏ 4     Article Number: 1971   Published: ‏ FEB 2021

Direct Conversion of Agarose into Alkyl Mono- and Disaccharide Surfactants Based on 3,6-Anhydro L- and D-Galactose Units

Wang, Yunhui; Renault, Louise; Guegan, Jean-Paul; et al. CHEMISTRYSELECT   Volume: ‏ 6   Issue: ‏ 3   Pages: ‏ 389-395   Published: ‏ JAN 20 2021

Accumulation of detached kelp biomass in a subtidal temperate coastal ecosystem induces succession of epiphytic and sediment bacterial communities.

Maéva Brunet, Florian de Bettignies, Nolwen Le DuffGwenn Tanguy, Dominique Davoult, Catherine Leblanc, Angélique Gobet, François Thomas ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY Accepted Articles First published: 05 January 2021

Histone modifications during the life cycle of the brown alga Ectocarpus

Bourdareau, S., Tirichine, L., Lombard, B. Loew D, ScornetD, Wu Y, Coleho, SM, Cock JM. GENOME-BIOLOGY 22

A genome-wide investigation of the effect of farming and human-mediated introduction on the ubiquitous seaweed Undaria pinnatifida

Graf, L; Shin, Y; Yang, JH;  Choi, JW, Hwang, IK,  Nelson, W, Bhattacharya, D, Viard, F, Yoon, HS NATURE ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION   Volume: ‏ 5   Issue: ‏ 3     Published: ‏ MAR 2021



Temporal succession of a macrofaunal community associated with kelp fragment accumulations in an in situ experiment

de Bettignies F, Dauby P, Lepoint G, Riera P, Bocher E, Bohner O, Broudin C, Houbin C, Leroux C, Loisel S, Davoult D MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES   Volume: ‏ 656   Pages: ‏ 109-121   Published: ‏ DEC 10 2020

Metage2Metabo, microbiota-scale metabolic complementarity for the identification of key species

Belcour, Arnaud; Frioux, Clemence; Aite, Meziane; Bretaudeau,Anthony; Hildebrand Falk;  Siegel Anne

ELIFE   Volume: ‏ 9     Article Number: e61968   Published: ‏ DEC 29 2020

Quantifying and addressing the prevalence and bias of study designs in the environmental and social sciences

Christie, AP.; Abecasis, D, Adjeroud, M, ...Davoult, D, ..., Stagnol D,...... Sutherland WJ. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS ‏ 11    Article Number: 6377   Published: ‏ DEC 11 2020


Modelling the annual primary production of an intertidal brown algal community based on in situ measurements

By: Bordeyne, Francois; Migne, Aline; Plus, Martin; et al. MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES   Volume: ‏ 656   Pages: ‏ 95-107   Published: ‏ DEC 10 2020

Seascape Genomics of the Sugar Kelp Saccharina latissima Along the North Eastern Atlantic Latitudinal Gradient.

Guzinski, J., Ruggeri, P., Ballenghien, M., Mauger, S., Jacquemin, B., Jollivet, C., Coudret, J., Jaugeon, L., Destombe, C. and Valero, M. 2020. GENES 11:1503. , doi:10.3390/genes11121503, DEC 2020

Transcriptome-wide identification and evaluation of optimal reference genes for RT-qPCR expression analysis of Saccharina latissima responses to biotic and abiotic stress

Xing, QK, Rousvoal, S, Leblanc, C JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYCOLOGY DOI: 10.1007/s10811-020-02279-x Early Access: NOV 2020

Effect of essential oil- and iodine treatments on the bacterial microbiota of the brown alga Ectocarpus siliculosus

Burgunter-Delamare, B; Boyen, C; Dittami,  S.M.JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYCOLOGY Early Access: NOV 2020

Low Mannitol Concentrations in Arabidopsis thaliana Expressing Ectocarpus Genes Improve Salt Tolerance.

Rathor P, Borza T, Liu Y, Qin Y, Stone S, Zhang J, Hui JPM, Berrue F, Groisillier A, Tonon T, Yurgel S, Potin P, Prithiviraj B.PLANTS (Basel). 2020 Nov 7;9(11):E1508. doi: 10.3390/plants9111508, NOV 2020

Development of a relevant strategy using de novo transcriptome assembly method for transcriptome comparisons between Muscovy and common duck species and their reciprocal inter-specific mule and hinny hybrids fed ad libitum and overfed

Liu, Xi; Herault, Frederic; Diot, Christian;  Corre, Erwan  BMC GENOMICS 21: 687  Published: ‏ OCT 2 2020

Alterocin, an Antibiofilm Protein Secreted by Pseudoalteromonas sp. Strain 3J6

 Jouault, A; Gobet, A,  Simon, M, Portier, E, Perennou, M, Corre, E, Gaillard, F, Vallenet, D,  Michel, G, Fleury, Y, Bazire, A, Dufour, A . APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY: ‏ 86     e00893-20   Published: ‏ OCT 2020

Production and Bioassay of a Diffusible Factor that Induces Gametophyte-to-Sporophyte Developmental Reprogramming in the Brown Alga Ectocarpus

By: Yao, Haiqin; Scornet, Delphine; Badis, Yacine; et al. BIO-PROTOCOL   Volume: ‏ 10   Issue: ‏ 18     Article Number: e3753   Published: ‏ SEP 20 2020

Using stable isotope analysis to determine the effects of ocean acidification and warming on trophic interactions in a maerl bed community

Legrand, Erwann; Martin, Sophie; Leroux, Cedric; et Riera Pascal. MARINE ECOLOGY-AN EVOLUTIONARY PERSPECTIVE     Article Number: e12612    Early Access: SEP 2020

Regulation of alginate catabolism involves a GntR family repressor in the marine flavobacterium Zobellia galactanivorans Dsij(T)

Magda Dudek, Anissa Dieudonné, Diane Jouanneau, Tatiana Rochat, Gurvan Michel, Benoit Sarels, François Thomas NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 48    ‏7786-7800  Published: ‏ AUG 20 2020

Ectocarpus: an evo-devo model for the brown algae 

Coelho, Susana M.; Peters, Akira F.; Mueller, Dieter; et al. EVODEVO   Volume: ‏ 11   Issue: ‏ 1     Article Number: 19   Published: ‏ AUG 31 2020

Presence of Exogenous Sulfate Is Mandatory for Tip Growth in the Brown Alga Ectocarpus subulatus By: Simeon, Amandine; Kridi, Sonia; Kloareg, Bernard; et al. FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE   Volume: ‏ 11     Article Number: 1277   Published: ‏ AUG 18 2020

Degradation dynamics and processes associated with the accumulation ofLaminaria hyperborea(Phaeophyceae) kelp fragments: an in situ experimental approach

de Bettignies, Florian; Dauby, Patrick; Thomas, Francois; et al. JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY Early Access: AUG 2020

The genome of Ectocarpus subulatus A highly stress-tolerant brown alga

Dittam SM.; Corre, E. Brillet-Gueguen, L. ... et Tonon T MARINE GENOMICS   Volume: ‏ 52     Article Number: UNSP 100740   Published: ‏ AUG 2020

Isoprostanoid Profiling of Marine Microalgae

Vigor, Claire; Oger, Camille; Reversat, Guillaume; Amandine Rocher, Bingqing Zhou, Amandyne Linares-Maurizi, Alexandre Guy, Valérie Bultel-Poncé, Jean-Marie Galano, Joseph Vercauteren,Thierry Durand, Philippe Potin,Thierry Tonon andCatherine Leblanc BIOMOLECULES  10 : 1073   Published: ‏ JUL 2020

Using automated reasoning to explore the metabolism of unconventional organisms: a first step to explore host-microbial interactions

 Frioux, Clemence; Dittami, Simon M.; Siegel, Anne BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY TRANSACTIONS   Volume: ‏ 48   Issue: ‏ 3   Pages: ‏ 901-913   Published: ‏ JUN 2020

The current state of DNA barcoding of macroalgae in the Mediterranean Sea: presently lacking but urgently required

Bartolo, Angela G.; Zammit, Gabrielle; Peters, Akira F.; et al. BOTANICA MARINA   Volume: ‏ 63   Issue: ‏ 3   Pages: ‏ 253-272   Published: ‏ JUN 2020

Genetic structure of amphi-Atlantic Laminaria digitata (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) reveals a unique range-edge gene pool and suggests postglacial colonization of the NW Atlantic

Neiva, J., Serrão, E. A., Paulino, C., Gouveia, L., Want, A., Tamigneaux, É., Ballenghien, M., Mauger, S., Fouqueau, L., Engel-Gautier, C., Destombe, C. and Valero, M. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY  DOI 10.1080/09670262.2020.1750058 Early Access: JUNE 2020

After a catastrophe, a little bit of sex is better than nothing: Genetic consequences of a major earthquake on asexual and sexual populations

Becheler R., Guillemin M-L., Stoeckel S., Mauger S., Saunier A., Brante A. , Destombe C.& Valero M. EVOLUTIONNARY APPLICATIONS     Early Access: APR 2020

The Minute Alga Schizocladia ischiensis (Schizocladiophyceae, Ochrophyta) Isolated by Germling Emergence from 24 m Depth off Rhodes (Greece)

Rizouli, A; Kupper, F C.; Louizidou, P.; Andrew O. M. Mogg A.O.M., Azzopardi E, Sayer MDJ, Kawai H , Hanyuda T andPeters A.F. DIVERSITY- Basel  12 : 102   Published: ‏ MAR 2020

Parallelisable non-invasive biomass, fitness and growth measurement of macroalgae and other protists with nephelometry

Calmes, Benoit; Strittmatter, Martina; Jacquemin, Bertrand; et al. ALGAL RESEARCH-BIOMASS BIOFUELS AND BIOPRODUCTS   46:101762   Published: MAR 2020

Inferring Biochemical Reactions and Metabolite Structures to Understand Metabolic Pathway Drift

:Belcour, A  ; Girard, J; Aite, M ; Delage, L ; Trottier, C ; Marteau, C ; Leroux, C; Dittami, SM; Sauleau, P; Corre, E;Nicolas, J ; Boyen, C ; Leblanc, C; Collen, J ; Siegel A; Markov GV ISCIENCE: 23: UNSP 100849, DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2020.100849 Published: FEB 21 2020

Revisiting Australian Ectocarpus subulatus (Phaeophyceae) From the Hopkins River: Distribution, Abiotic Environment, and Associated Microbiota

Dittami, Simon M.; Peters, Akira F.; West, John A.; et al. JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY     Early Access: FEB 2020

Metabolic Complementarity Between a Brown Alga and Associated Cultivable Bacteria Provide Indications of Beneficial Interactions

Burgunter-Delamare, Bertille; KleinJan, Hetty; Frioux, Clemence; et al. FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE   Volume: 7     Article Number: 85   Published: FEB 21 2020

Organelle inheritance and genome architecture variation in isogamous brown algae

Choi, JW; Graf, L; Peters, AF (; Cock, JM; [Nishitsuji, K; Arimoto, A ; Shoguchi, E ; Nagasato, C ; Choi, CG  ; Yoon, HS SCIENTIFIC REPORTS

 10: 2048 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-58817-7 Published: FEB 6 2020

Better off alone? Compared performance of monoclonal and polyclonal stands of a cultivated red alga growth

Usandizaga, Sara; Buschmann, Alejandro H.; Camus, Carolina; et al. EVOLUTIONARY APPLICATIONS     Early Access: JAN 2020


Isotopic labeling of cultured macroalgae and isolation of C-13-labeled cell wall polysaccharides for trophic investigations

Thomas, Francois; Le Duff, Nolwen; Leroux, Cedric; et al. SEAWEEDS AROUND THE WORLD: STATE OF ART AND PERSPECTIVES   Book Series: ‏ Advances in Botanical Research   Volume: ‏ 95   Pages: ‏ 1-17   Published: ‏ JAN 2020


Genome Sequences of 72 Bacterial Strains Isolated from Ectocarpus subulatus: A Resource for Algal Microbiology

Karimi, E (Karimi, Elham)[ 1 ] ; Geslain, E (Geslain, Enora)[ 1,2 ] ; KleinJan, H (KleinJan, Hetty)[ 1,3 ] ; Tanguy, G (Tanguy, Gwenn)[ 2 ] ; Legeay, E (Legeay, Erwan)[ 2 ] ; Corre, E (Corre, Erwan)[ 2 ] ; Dittami, SM (Dittami, Simon M.)[ 1 ] GENOME BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 12: 3647-3655 DOI: 10.1093/gbe/evz278 Published: JAN 2020



Combined effects of global climate change and nutrient enrichment on the physiology of three temperate maerl species

Qui-Minet, Zujaila Nohemy; Coudret, Jerome; Davoult, Dominique; et al. ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION     Early Access: DEC 2019

Evaluation of a new primer combination to minimize plastid contamination in 16S rDNA metabarcoding analyses of alga-associated bacterial communities

Thomas, Francois; Dittami, Simon M.; Brunet, Maeva; et al. ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY REPORTS     Early Access: NOV 2019

Impact of nine macroalgal diets on growth and initial reproductive investment in juvenile abalone Haliotis tuberculata  Roussel, Sabine; Caralp, Claire; Leblanc, Catherine; et al.

AQUACULTURE   Volume: 513     Article Number: UNSP 734385   Published: NOV 15 2019

Genome-Scale Metabolic Networks Shed Light on the Carotenoid Biosynthesis Pathway in the Brown Algae Saccharina japonica and Cladosiphon okamuranus 

Negre, Delphine; Aite, Meziane; Belcour, Arnaud; et al. ANTIOXIDANTS   Volume: 8   Issue: 11     Article Number: 564   Published: NOV 2019

A subfamily roadmap of the evolutionarily diverse glycoside hydrolase family 16 (GH16) 

Viborg, Alexander Holm; Terrapon, Nicolas; Lombard, Vincent; et al. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY   Volume: 294   Issue: 44   Pages: 15973-15986   Published: NOV 1 2019

A highly prevalent filamentous algal endophyte in natural populations of the sugar kelp Saccharina latissima is not detected during cultivation in Northern Brittany

Bernard, M.; Rousvoal, S.; Collet, N.,Le Goff, T, Jacquemin, B, Peters, A, Potin, P, ; Leblanc, C.  AQUATIC LIVING RESOURCES   Volume: 32     Article Number: 21   Published: SEP 6 2019

A genome-wide investigation of the worldwide invader Sargassum muticum shows high success albeit (almost) no genetic diversity

Le Cam, S; Daguin-Thiebaut, C; Bouchemousse, S, Engelen, AH, Mieszkowska, N, Viard, F   ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS     Early Access: AUG 2019

Alteromonas fortis sp. nov., a non-flagellated bacterium specialized in the degradation of iota-carrageenan, and emended description of the genus Alteromonas

Barbeyron, T, Zonta, E, Le Panse, S,   Duchaud, E,; Michel, G  NTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY   Volume: 69   Issue: 8   Pages: 2514-2521   Published: AUG 2019

A marine bacterial enzymatic cascade degrades the algal polysaccharide ulvan

 Reisky L, Préchoux A, Zühlke MK, Bäumgen M, Robb CS, Gerlach N, Roret T, Stanetty C, Larocque R, Michel G, Tao S, Markert S, Unfried F, Mihovilovic MD, Trautwein-Schult A, Becher D, Schweder T, Bornscheuer UT, Hehemann JH. (2019). Nature Chemical Biology, DOI : 10.1038/s41589-019-0311-9 Published JUL 8 2019

Data for Fish Stock Assessment Obtained from the CMSY Algorithm for all Global FAO Datasets

Helias, Arnaud (2019) DATA  4:78   Published: JUN 2019

Grazers increase the sensitivity of coralline algae to ocean acidification and warming

 Legrand E, Riera P; Lutier M, Coudret J, Grall J, Martin S  JOURNAL OF SEA RESEARCH   Volume: 148   Pages: 1-7   Published: JUN 2019

Origin and evolution of sex-determination systems in the brown algae

Coelho, Susana M.; Mignerot, Laure; Cock, J. Mark NEW PHYTOLOGIST   Volume: 222   Issue: 4   Pages: 1751-1756   Published: JUN 2019

Gall disease in the alginophyte Lessonia berteroana: A pathogenic interaction linked with host adulthood in a seasonal-dependant manner

 Murua, Pedro; Patino, David J.; Leiva, Felix P.; et al. ALGAL RESEARCH-BIOMASS BIOFUELS AND BIOPRODUCTS  39: 101435   Published: MAY 2019

Seaweed Consumption and Label Preferences in France

 Lucas, S; Gouin, S; Lesueur, M MARINE RESOURCE ECONOMICS    34: 143-162   Published: APR 1 2019

The agar-specific hydrolase ZgAgaC from the marine bacterium Zobellia galactanivorans defines a new GH16 protein subfamily.

Naretto A, Fanuel M, Ropartz D, Rogniaux H, Larocque R, Czjzek M, Tellier C, Michel G. J Biol Chem. 2019 Mar 7. pii: jbc.RA118.006609. doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA118.006609. [Epub ahead of print] Published MAR2019

The laterally acquired GH5 ZgEngAGH5_4 from the marine bacterium Zobellia galactanivorans is dedicated to hemicellulose hydrolysis.

Dorival J, Ruppert S, Gunnoo M, Orłowski A, Chapelais-Baron M, Dabin J, Labourel A, Thompson D, Michel G, Czjzek M, Genicot S. Biochem J. 2018 Nov 28;475(22):3609-3628. doi: 10.1042/BCJ20180486 Published  MAR2019

Diversity and evolution of cytochromes P450 in stramenopiles

Teng L; Fan X; Nelson D R.;  Han, W Zhang W,  Xu W, Renault H, Markov GV, Ye N. PLANTA  249: 647-661   Published: MAR 2019

Convergent recruitment of life cycle regulators to direct sporophyte development in two eukaryotic supergroups 

Arun A, Coelho SM, Peters AF, Bourdareau S, Pérès L, Scornet D, Strittmatter M, Lipinska AP, Yao H, Godfroy O, Montecinos GJ, Avia K, Macaisne N, Troadec C, Bendahmane A, Cock JM  eLife 8 : e43101 JPublished  JAN 2019

Peptimapper: proteogenomics workflow for the expert annotation of eukaryotic genomes

Guillot L Delage L, Viari A, Vandenbrouck Y, Com E, Ritter A, Lavigne R, Marie D, Peterlongo P, Potin P, Pineau C BMC Genomics 2019 20:56  Published: JAN 2019

Technical Note Hybrid metabolic network completio

Frioux C; Schaub T,; Schellhorn S, Siegel A;, Wanko P THEORY AND PRACTICE OF LOGIC PROGRAMMING   19: 83-108.   Published: JAN 2019

Diversity, biogeography and host specificity of kelp endophytes with a focus on the genera Laminarionema and Laminariocolax (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae)  

Bernard, MS.; Strittmatter,M; Murua, P;  Heesch, S  Cho, GY; Leblanc, C,  Peters, AF EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY  54 : 39-51   Published: JAN 2 2019


Nutrients, but not genetic diversity, affect Gracilaria chilensis (Rhodophyta) farming productivity and physiological responses

Usandizaga, S; Camus, C; Luis Kappes, J, Guillemin M-L, Buschmann A  JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY  54:860-869   Published: DEC 2018

Evolutionary Evidence of Algal Polysaccharide Degradation Acquisition by Pseudoalteromonas carrageenovora 9(T) to Adapt to Macroalgal Niches

Gobet A, Barbeyron T, Matard-Mann M, Magdelenat G,Vallenet, D, Duchaud, E, Michel G (2018) FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY  9: 2740   Published: NOV 22 2018

Fisheries in life cycle assessment: Operational factors for biotic resources depletion

Helias A, Langlois J, Freon P (2018) FISH AND FISHERIES 19: 951-963   Published: NOV 2018

Discovery and screening of novel metagenome-derived GH107 enzymes targeting sulfated fucans from brown algae

Schultz-Johansen M, Cueff M; Hardouin K, Jam M,  Larocque R , Glaring MA,  Herve C, Czjzek M, Stougaard P (2018)

FEBS JOURNAL   Volume: 285   Issue: 22   Pages: 4281-4295   Published: NOV 2018

NR3E receptors in cnidarians: A new family of steroid receptor relatives extends the possible mechanisms for ligand binding

Khalturin K Billas IML.; Chebaro Y;  Reitzel, AM, Tarrant AM, Laudet V, Markov GV 2018 JOURNAL OF STEROID BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 184: 11-19 Published: NOV 2018

-Scalable and exhaustive screening of metabolic functions carried out by microbial consortia 

Frioux C, Fremy E, Trottier C et Siegel A. (2018) Conference: 17th European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB) Location: Athens, GREECE Date: SEP 08-12, 2018 BIOINFORMATICS   Volume: 34   Issue: 17   Pages: 934-943   Published: SEP 1 2018

- Phaeoviral Infections Are Present in Macrocystis, Ecklonia and Undaria (Laminariales) and Are Influenced by Wave Exposure in Ectocarpales

McKeown,DA.; Schroeder, JL; Stevens K, Peters AF, Sáez CA, Park J, Rothman MD, Bolton JJ, Brown MT, Schroeder DC. 2018. VIRUSES-BASEL  10   Issue: 8 : 410   Published: AUG 2018

- Microspongium alariae in Alaria esculenta: a widely-distributed non-parasitic brown algal endophyte that shows cell modifications within its host

Murua P; Kupper FC.; Munoz, LA, Bernard M, Peters AF 2018. BOTANICA MARINA    61: 343-354   Published: AUG 2018

- Isoprostanoids quantitative profiling of marine red and brown macroalgae

Vigor C, Reversat G, Rocher A, Oger C, Galano J-M, Vercauteren J, Durand T, Tonon T, Leblanc C, Potin P 2018. FOOD CHEMISTRY 268: 452-462 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.06.111 Published: 1 DEC 2018

- The role of local environmental changes on maerl and its associated non-calcareous epiphytic flora in the Bay of Brest

Qui-Minet ZN; Delaunay C, Gral J, Six C, Cariou T, Bohner O, Legrand E, Davoult D, Martin S ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE  208: 140-152   Published: AUG 31 2018

- Consequences of blunting the mevalonate pathway in cancer identified by a pluriomics approach

Goulitquer S, Croyal M, Lalande J, Royer AL, Guitton Y, Arzur D, Durand S, Le Jossic-Corcos C, Bouchereau A, Potin P, Akoka S, Antignac JP, Krempf M, Ferchaud-Roucher V, Giraudeau P, Corcos L. CELL DEATH & DISEASE   9: 745   Published: JUL 3 2018

- Genetic Diversity in the UV Sex Chromosomes of the Brown Alga Ectocarpus

Avia, K, Lipinska, AP, Mignerot, L , Montecinos, AE Jamy, M, Ahmed, S, Valero, M, Peters, AE, Cock, JM, Roze, D, Coelho, SM GENES  9: 6     Article Number: 286   Published: JUN 2018

- Traceability, reproducibility and wiki-exploration for "a-la-carte" reconstructions of genome-scale metabolic models

Aite, M, Chevallier, M, Frioux, C, Trottier, C, Got, J, Cortes, MP, Mendoza, SN, Carrier, G, Dameron, O, Guillaudeux, N, Latorre, M, Loira, N, Markov, GV, Maass, A, Siegel, A  PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY   Volume: 14   Issue: 5     Article Number: e1006146   Published: MAY 2018

- X-ray Diffraction and Density Functional Theory Provide Insight into Vanadate Binding to Homohexameric Bromoperoxidase II and the Mechanism of Bromide Oxidation

Radlow M, Czjzek M, Jeudy A, Dabin J, Delage L, Leblanc C,  Hartung J ACS CHEMICAL BIOLOGY  13 (5), 1243-1259 DOI: 10.1021/acschembio.8b00041 .Published: MAY 2018

- Population genomics of the introduced and cultivated Pacific kelp Undaria pinnatifida: marinas — not farms — drive regional connectivity and establishment in natural rocky reefs Guzinski J, Ballenghien M, Daguin‐Thiébaut C, Lévêque L,  Viard F 2018, EVOLUTIONNARY APPLICATIONS First published:  21 May 2018

-The role of local environmental changes on maerl and its associated non-calcareous epiphytic flora in the Bay of Brest Qui-Minet ZN, Delaunay C, Grall J, Six C, Cariou T,  Bohner O, Legrand E, Davoult D, Martin S, 2018 ESTUARINE COASTAL & SHELF SCIENCE 208: 140-152. Early view MAY 2018

- Effect of temperature on an alga‐grazer trophic transfer: A dual stable isotope (13C, 15N) labeling experiment. Legrand E,  Martin S,  Leroux C, Riera P, 2018, MARINE ECOLOGY,

DOI: 10.1111/maec.12495 Early view MAY 2018

- Impact of ocean acidification and warming on the productivity of a rock pool community Legrand E, Riera P, Bohner O, Coudret J, Schlicklin F, Derrien M, Martin S, 2018, MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 13: 78-88 Published: MAY 2018

- Seasonal and diet-driven patterns of a core microbiota associated to macroalgal digestion in a generalist marine herbivore. Gobet A, Mest L, Perennou M, Dittami S, Caralp C, Coulombet C, Huchette S, Roussel S, Michel G and Leblanc C, 2018, MICROBIOME  6:60, Published: MARCH 28 2018

- Double blind microarray-based polysaccharide profiling enables parallel identification of uncharacterized polysaccharides and carbohydrate-binding proteins with unknown specificities Salmean, Armando A.; Guillouzo, Alexia; Duffieux, Delphine; et al. 2018, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   8     Article Number: 2500   Published: FEB 6 2018

- Ecological characterization of intertidal rockpools: Seasonal and diurnal monitoring of physico-chemical parameters  Legrand E; Riera P; Pouliquen L, Bohner O, Cariou, T, Martin, S. 2018, REGIONAL STUDIES IN MARINE SCIENCES 17: 1-10 Published: JAN 2018

- Reinstatement of Phrix (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta) based on DNA sequence analyses and morpho-anatomical evidence  Munoz, Liliana A.; Wynne, Michael J.; Kamiya, Mitsunobu; et al. PHYTOTAXA   Volume: 334   Issue: 3   Pages: 215-224   Published: JAN 19 2018



- Exploring the Cultivable Ectocarpus Microbiome. KleinJan, Hetty; Jeanthon, Christian; Boyen, Catherine; et al.FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY   Volume: 8     Article Number: 2456  DEC 11 2017 

qPCR-based relative quantification of the brown algal endophyte Laminarionema elsbetiae in Saccharina latissima: variation and dynamics of host—endophyte interactions. Miriam Bernard, Sylvie Rousvoal, Bertrand Jacquemin, Marion Ballenghien,Akira F. Peters,Catherine Leblanc, pp 1-11, 2017, Journal of applied Phycology.

- Carrageenan catabolism is encoded by a complex regulon in marine heterotrophic bacteria. Elizabeth Ficko-Blean, Aurélie Préchoux, François Thomas, Tatiana Rochat, Robert Larocque, Yongtao Zhu, Mark Stam, Sabine Génicot, Murielle Jam, Alexandra Calteau, Benjamin Viart, David Ropartz, David Pérez-Pascual, Gaëlle Correc, Maria Matard-Mann, Keith A. Stubbs, Hélène Rogniaux, Alexandra Jeudy, Tristan Barbeyron, Claudine Médigue, Mirjam Czjzek, David Vallenet, Mark J. McBride, Eric Duchaud & Gurvan Michel.  1685 (2017), doi:10.1038/s41467-017-01832-6, 22 November 2017      01/ 02

- Gene Expression Analysis of Zobellia galactanivorans during the Degradation of Algal Polysaccharides Reveals both Substrate-Specific and Shared Transcriptome-Wide Responses. François Thomas, Philippe Bordron, Damien Eveillard, Gurvan Michel.Frontiers in Microbiology, Frontiers Media, 2017, 8, pp.article 1808,10.3389/fmicb.2017.01808.  0102

-Transitions between marine and freshwater environments provide new clues about the origins of multicellular plants and algae. Simon M. Dittami, Svenja Heesch, Jeanine L. Olsen, Jonas Collén, Journal of Phycology,Wiley, 2017, 10.1111/jpy.12547

- Hybridization between two cryptic filamentous brown seaweeds along the shore: analysing pre- and postzygotic barriers in populations of individuals with varying ploidy levels. Alejandro E. Montecinos, Marie-Laure Guillemin, Lucia Couceiro, Akira F. Peters, Solenn Stoeckel, et al. Molecular Ecology, Wiley, 2017, 26 (13), pp.3497 - 3512. ,10.1111/mec.14098.

New tool to elucidate the diet of the ormer Haliotis tuberculata (L.): Digital shell color analysis. Marchais, V (Marchais, V.); Jolivet, A (Jolivet, A.) ; Herve, S (Herve, S.) ; Roussel, S (Roussel, S.) ; Schone, BR (Schoene, B. R.); Grall, J (Grall, J.) ; Chauvaud, L (Chauvaud, L.) ; Clavier, J (Clavier, J.) MARINE BIOLOGY, 2017,  Volume: 164  Issue: 4  Article Number: 71    DOI: 10.1007/s00227-017-3103-3

- Create, run, share, publish, and reference your LC-MS, FIA-MS, GC-MS, and NMR data analysis workflows with the Workflow4Metabolomics 3.0 Galaxy online infrastructure for metabolomics. Yann Guitton, Marie Tremblay-Franco, Gildas Le Corguillé, Jean-François Martin, Mélanie Pétéra, et al. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, Elsevier, 2017, 10.1016/j.biocel.2017.07.002  01/ 02/ 03/ 04/ 05

- Meneco, a Topology-Based Gap-Filling Tool Applicable to Degraded Genome-Wide Metabolic Networks. Prigent S, Frioux  C, Dittami SM, Thiele S, Larhlimi A, Collet G, Gutknecht F, Got J, Eveillard  D, Bourdon J, Plewniak F, Tonon T, Siegel A, 2017, PLoS Computational Biology.  13(1): e1005276. doi:10.1371/ journal.pcbi.1005276

- High-density genetic map and identification of QTLs for responses to temperature and salinity stresses in the model brown alga Ectocarpus. Avia K., Coelho SM, Montecinos G.J., Cormier A., Lerck F., Mauger S., Faugeron S., Valero M., Cock M., Boudry P. (2017)  Scientific reports 7, 43241. 01 / 02

- Trophic structure of two intertidal Fucus spp. communities along a vertical gradient: Similarity and seasonal stability evidenced with δ13C and δ15N. François Bordeyne, Dominique Davoult, Aline Migné, Euriell Bertaud Du Chazaud, Cédric Leroux, et al. Journal of Sea Research, Elsevier, 2017, 120, pp.50-59.     01 / 02 / 03 / 04

- Monitoring the architecture of anionic κ-carrageenan/cationic glycine betaine amide surfactant assemblies by dilution: A multiscale approach. Carbohydrate Polymers. Gaillard C, Wang Y, Covis R, Vives T, Benoit M, Benvegnu T. (2017), 155, 49-60 

- The Ectocarpus IMMEDIATE UPRIGHT gene encodes a member of a novel family of cysteine-rich proteins with an unusual distribution across the eukaryotes. Macaisne N, Liu F, Scornet D, Peters AF, Lipinska A, Perrineau MM, Henry A, Strittmatter M, Coelho SM, Cock JM. (2017), Development 144:409 -418.  01/ 02/ 03/ 04

- Species delimitation and phylogeographic analyses in the Ectocarpus subgroup siliculosi (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae). Montecinos, A.E., Couceiro, L., Peters, A., Desrut, A., Valero, M., Guillemin, ML. (2017)  Journal of Phycology, 53, 17-31DOI: 10.1111/jpy.12452

- Herbivore-induced chemical and molecular responses of the kelps Laminaria digitata and Lessonia spicata. Ritter A., Cabioch L., Brillet-Guéguen L., Corre E., Cosse A., Dartevelle L., Duruflé H., Fasshauer C., Goulitquer S., Thomas F., Correa J. A., Potin P, Faugeron S. and Leblanc C. (2017).  Plos One 12: e0173315.

- Perspectives on domestication research for sustainable seaweed aquaculture. Valero M., Guillemin ML, Destombe C., Jacquemin B., Gachon C.M.M., Badis Y., Buschmann A.H., Camus C., Faugeron S. (2017).  Perspectives in Phycology 4, 33-46.

- Les algues vues au travers de la presse. IDEALG. Synthèse de résultats. Marchand M.; Lesueur M. , GOUIN S., 2017. Les algues vues au travers de la presse. IDEALG. Synthèse de résultats. Cellule études et transfert. AGROCAMPUS OUEST , 4 p.

Variation of fucoid community metabolism during the tidal cycle: Insights from in situ measurements of seasonal carbon fluxes during emersion and immersion. Bordeyne, Francois; Migne, Aline; Davoult, Dominique. LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY   Volume: 62   Issue: 6   Pages: 2418-2430  - NOV 2017

- Re-annotation, improved large-scale assembly and establishment of a catalogue of noncoding loci for the genome of the model brown alga Ectocarpus . Cormier, Alexandre; Avia, Komlan; Sterck, Lieven; et al. NEW PHYTOLOGIST   Volume: 214   Issue: 1   Pages: 219-232    APR 2017

Algae as nutritional and functional food sources: revisiting our understanding. Wells, Mark L.; Potin, Philippe; Craigie, James S.; et al. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYCOLOGY   Volume: 29   Issue: 2   Pages: 949-982  - APR 2017

Internal Water Dynamics Control the Transglycosylation/Hydrolysis Balance in the Agarase (AgaD) of Zobellia galactanivorans . David, Benoit; Irague, Romain; Jouanneau, Diane; et al. ACS CATALYSIS   Volume: 7   Issue: 5   Pages: 3357-3367    MAY 2017

Multiple gene movements into and out of haploid sex chromosomes. Lipinska, Agnieszka P.; Toda, Nicholas R. T.; Heesch, Svenja; et al. GENOME BIOLOGY   Volume: 18     Article Number: 104    JUN 8 2017

Insights into the red algae and eukaryotic evolution from the genome of Porphyra umbilicalis (Bangiophyceae, Rhodophyta). Brawley, Susan H.; Blouin, Nicolas A.; Ficko-Blean, Elizabeth; et al. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA   Volume: 114   Issue: 31   Pages: E6361-E6370   AUG 1 2017

Development of novel monoclonal antibodies against starch and ulvan - implications for antibody production against polysaccharides with limited immunogenicity. Rydahl, Maja G.; Kracun, Stjepan K.; Fangel, Jonatan U.; et al. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   Volume: 7   Article Number: 9326    AUG 24 2017

A review about brown algal cell walls and fucose-containing sulfated polysaccharides: Cell wall context, biomedical properties and key research challenges. Deniaud-Bouet, Estelle; Hardouin, Kevin; Potin, Philippe; et al. CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS   Volume: 175   Pages: 395-408    NOV 1 2017

Detection of bacterial contaminants and hybrid sequences in the genome of the kelp &ITSaccharina japonica &ITusing Taxoblast. Dittami, Simon M.; Corre, Erwan ,PEERJ   Volume: 5     Article Number: e4073    NOV 17 2017

Species interactions can shift the response of a maerl bed community to ocean acidification and warming. Legrand, Erwann; Riera, Pascal; Lutier, Mathieu; et al. BIOGEOSCIENCES   Volume: 14   Issue: 23   Pages: 5359-5376    NOV 30 2017

Structural insights into marine carbohydrate degradation by family GH16-carrageenases.  Matard-Mann, Maria; Bernard, Thomas; Leroux, Cedric; et al. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY   Volume: 292   Issue: 48   Pages: 19919-19934   DEC 1 2017

DISTAG/TBCCd1 Is Required for Basal Cell Fate Determination in Ectocarpus . Godfroy, Olivier; Uji, Toshiki; Nagasato, Chikako; et al. PLANT CELL   Volume: 29   Issue: 12   Pages: 3102-3122    DEC 2017




- Herbivore-induced chemical and molecular responses of the kelps Laminaria digitata and Lessonia spicata, Simon M Dittami, Laëtitia Duboscq-Bidot, Morgan Perennou, Angélique Gobet, Erwan Corre, Catherine Boyen and Thierry Tonon, The ISME Journal (2016) 10, 51–63

 Host–microbe interactions as a driver of acclimation to salinity gradients in brown algal cultures. Dittami, S. M., Duboscq-Bidot, L., Perennou, M., Gobet, A., Corre, E., Boyen, C., & Tonon, T., 2016, The ISME Journal 10, 51–63

Matching The Diversity Of Sulfated Biomolecules: Creation Of A Classification Database For Sulfatases Reflecting Their Substrate Specificity. Tristan Barbeyron, Loraine Brillet-Guéguen, Wilfrid Carré, Cathelène Carrière, Christophe Caron, Mirjam Czjzek, Mark Hoebeke and Gurvan Michel,2016. PLOS ONE 11(10): e0164846. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0164846

-  Re-annotation, improved large-scale assembly and establishment of a catalogue of non-coding loci for the genome of the model brown alga Ectocarpus. Alexandre Cormier, Komlan Avia, Lieven Sterck, Thomas Derrien, Valentin Wucher, Gwendoline Andres, Misharl Monsoor, Olivier Godfroy, Agnieszka Lipinska, Marie-Mathilde Perrineau, Yves Van De Peer, Christophe Hitte, Erwan Corre, Susana M. Coelho, J. Mark Cock, 2016, New Phytologist.  01 / 02  / 03/ 04

Species delimitation and phylogeographic analyses in the Ectocarpus subgroup siliculosi (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae). Alejandro E. Montecinos, Lucia Couceiro, Akira F. Peters, Antoine Desrut, Myriam Valero, Marie-Laure Guillemin, 2016. Journal of Phycology,(DOI: 10.1111/jpy.12452)

- Mutants swarms of a totivirus-like entity are present in the red macroalga Chondrus crispus and have been partially transferred to the nuclear genome. Rousvoal, Sylvie; Bouyer, Betty; Lopez-Cristoffanini, Camilo; Boyen, Catherine; Collen, Jonas; Lane, C., 2016.Journal of Phycology. August 2016, Vol. 52.

Ecosystem services assessment and compensation costs for installing seaweed farms. Cabral, P.; Levrel, H.; Viard, F.; et al., 2016. MARINE POLICY

Contrasting temporal variation in habitat complexity and species abundance distributions in four kelp forest strata. Leclerc, Jean-Charles; Riera, Pascal; Leveque, Laurent; et al.,2016. HYDROBIOLOGIA

The origin and evolution of the sexes: Novel insights from a distant eukaryotic linage. Mignerot, Laure; Coelho, Susana M., 2016. COMPTES RENDUS BIOLOGIES

Population dynamics of the brown alga Himanthalia elongata under harvesting pressure. Stagnol, Doriane; Michel, Renaud; Davoult, Dominique, 2016. ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE

Structural and rheological properties of kappa (kappa)-carrageenans covalently modified with cationic moieties.Covis, Rudy; Guegan, Jean-Paul; Jeftic, Jelena; et al., 2016.JOURNAL OF POLYMER RESEARCH

- Unraveling the multivalent binding of a marine family 6 carbohydrate-binding module with its native laminarin ligand. Jam, Murielle; Ficko-Blean, Elizabeth; Labourel, Aurore; et al., 2016., FEBS JOURNAL

Determination of Mannitol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase Activity from Ectocarpus sp., Groisillier A. and Tonon T., 2016. Bio-protocol., Groisillier A. and Tonon T., 2016. Bio-protocol.

- Allometric relationships for intertidal macroalgae species of commercial interest. Doriane Stagnol, Marine Macé, Christophe Destombe & Dominique Davoult , 2016. Journal of Applied Phycology.

- Characterization of newly developed expressed sequence tag-derived microsatellite markers revealed low genetic diversity within and low connectivity between European Saccharina latissima populations.
Jaromir Guzinski, Stéphane Mauger, J. Mark Cock & Myriam Valero, 2016 - Journal of Applied Phycology.

- Quelles pistes d'actions pour impulser la consommation des algues en France ? Les algues et leurs applications culinaires. Programme Idealg Phase 3, C. COMPARINI, C. LE BRAS, Q. LESUEUR, M. LUCAS, S. GOUIN, S., 2016, publications du Pôle halieutique AGROCAMPUS OUEST, n°43, 43 p.

- Quelles pistes d'actions pour impulser la consommation des algues en France ? Les algues et l'éthique,COMPARINI, C. LE BRAS, Q. LESUEUR, M. LUCAS, S. GOUIN, S., 2016, programme Idealg Phase 3, publications du Pôle halieutique AGROCAMPUS OUEST, n°42., 32 p.        1 / 2

- Quelles pistes d'actions pour impulser la consommation des algues en France ? Les algues et la santé. Programme Idealg Phase 3, COMPARINI, C. LESUEUR, M. LUCAS, S. GOUIN, S., 2016, publications du Pôle halieutique AGROCAMPUS OUEST,  n°41, 38 p.

- Quelles pistes d'actions pour impulser la consommation des algues en France ? Contexte et méthodologie,programme Idealg Phase 3, COMPARINI, C. LE BRAS, Q. LESUEUR, M. LUCAS, S. GOUIN, S., 2016, publications du Pôle halieutique AGROCAMPUS OUEST, n°40, 32 p.



- The pseudoautosomal regions of the U/V sex chromosomes of the brown alga Ectocarpus exhibit unusual features. Luthringer, R., Lipinska, A.P., Roze, D., Cormier, A., Macaisne, N., Peters, A.F., Cock, J.M. & Coelho, S.M, 2016. Molecular Biology and Evolution.

- Development of PCR-based markers to determine the sex of kelps.Lipinska, A.P., Ahmed, S., Peters, A.F., Faugeron, S., Cock, J.M. & Coelho, S.M., 2015. PLoS ONE 

Vanadium haloperoxidases: From the discovery 30 years ago to X-ray crystallographic and V K-edge absorption spectroscopic studies. Leblanc, C.; Vilter, H.; Fournier, J-B.; et al., 2015. COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS

Marine habitats ecosystem service potential: A vulnerability approach in the Normand-Breton (Saint Malo) Gulf, France. Cabral, P.; Levrel, H.; Schoenn, J.; et al., 2015, ECOSYSTEM SERVICES

- Identification of proteins involved in desiccation tolerance in the red seaweed Pyropia orbicularis (Rhodophyta, Bangiales). Lopez-Cristoffanini, Camilo; Zapata, Javier; Gaillard, Fanny; et al., 2015. PROTEOMICS

Unravelling the impact of harvesting pressure on canopy-forming macroalgae. Stagnol, Doriane; Michel, Renaud; Davoult, Dominique, 2015. MARINE AND FRESHWATER RESEARCH

Environmental assessment of bioethanol from onshore grown green seaweed. Brockmann, Doris; Pradinaud, Charlotte; Champenois, Jennifer; et al., 2015. BIOFUELS BIOPRODUCTS & BIOREFINING-BIOFPR

Comparative environmental life cycle assessment of two seaweed cultivation systems in North West Europe with a focus on quantifying sea surface occupation.Taelman, Sue Ellen; Champenois, Jennifer; Edwards, Maeve D.; et al., 2015. ALGAL RESEARCH-BIOMASS BIOFUELS AND BIOPRODUCTS

Canopy interactions and physical stress gradients in subtidal communities. Bennett, Scott; Wernberg, Thomas; de Bettignies, Thibaut; et al., 2015. ECOLOGY LETTERS

Constitutive or Inducible Protective Mechanisms against UV-B Radiation in the Brown Alga Fucus vesiculosus? A Study of Gene Expression and Phlorotannin Content Responses. Creis, Emeline; Delage, Ludovic; Charton, Sophie; et al.,2015. PLOS ONE

- Molecular evidence for the coexistence of two sibling species in pylaiella littoralis (ectocarpales, phaeophyceae) along the Brittany coast. Geoffroy, Alexandre; Mauger, Stephane; De Jode, Aurelien; et al., 2015. JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY

- Interactions and hybrid complex formation of anionic algal polysaccharides with a cationic glycine betaine-derived surfactant. Covis, Rudy; Vives, Thomas; Gaillard, Cedric; et al.,  2015. CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS

Workflow4Metabolomics: a collaborative research infrastructure for computational metabolomics. Giacomoni, Franck; Le Corguille, Gildas; Monsoor, Misharl; et al., 2015. BIOINFORMATICS

Barcoding of cryptic stages of marine brown algae isolated from incubated substratum reveals high diversity in Acinetosporaceae (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae). Peters, Akira F.; Couceiro, Lucia; Tsiamis, Konstantinos; et al., 2015. CRYPTOGAMIE ALGOLOGIE

Structural and biochemical characterization of the laminarinase ZgLamC(GH16) from Zobellia galactanivorans suggests preferred recognition of branched laminarin.  Labourel, Aurore; Jam, Murielle; Legentil, Laurent; et al., 2015. ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION D-STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY

Biochemical and structural investigation of two paralogous glycoside hydrolases from Zobellia galactanivorans: novel insights into the evolution, dimerization plasticity and catalytic mechanism of the GH117 family.  Ficko-Blean, Elizabeth; Duffieux, Delphine; Rebuffet, Etienne; et al., 2015. ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION D-STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY

Community, trophic structure and functioning in two contrasting Laminaria hyperborea forests. Leclerc, Jean-Charles; Riera, Pascal; Laurans, Martial; et al., 2015. ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE

- Quels produits aux algues pour demain ? Produits imaginés par les consommateurs, programme IDEALG Phase 3, LE BRAS, Q. LESUEUR, M. LUCAS, S. GOUIN, S., 2015, publications du Pôle halieutique AGROCAMPUS OUEST, n°38, 29 p.

- Etude du marché français des algues alimentaires. Catalogue et analyse des produits existants, programme IDEALG Phase 2, LE BRAS, Q. RITTER, L. FASQUEL, D. LESUEUR, M. LUCAS, M. GOUIN, S., 2015, publications du Pôle halieutique AGROCAMPUS OUEST, n°37, 41 p.

- Etude du marché français des algues alimentaires. Panorama de la distribution, programme IDEALG Phase 2, LE BRAS, Q. LESUEUR, M. LUCAS, M. GOUIN, S., 2015, publications du Pôle halieutique AGROCAMPUS OUEST, n°36, 42 p.

- Commet: comparing and combining multiple metagenomic datasets. M Nicolas et al., 2015 - arXiv preprint arXiv.

- A Logic for Checking the Probabilistic Steady-State Properties of Reaction Networks. V Picard et al., 2015 - IJCAI workshop BAI: Bioinformatics and Artificial.

- Marine habitats ecosystem service potential : Avulnerability approach in the Normand-Breton (Saint-Malo) Gulf, France. Pedro Cabral et al., 2015.Ecosystem Services.

- Environmental assessment of bioethanol from onshore grown green seaweed. D Brockmann et al., 2015.

- Metabolic activity of intertidal Fucus spp. communities: evidence for high aerial carbon fluxes displaying seasonal variability. F Bordeyne et al., 2015.

- Canopy interactions and physical stress gradients in subtidal communities. S Bennett et al., 2015.

- Governability of Kelp Forest Small-Scale Harvesting in Iroise Sea, France. K. Frangoudes et al., 2015.

- The mannitol utilization system of the marine bacterium Zobellia galactanivorans. A. Groisillier et al., 2015.

- Workflow4Metabolomics: a collaborative research infrastructure for computational metabolomics. F Giacomon et al., 2015.

- The pseudoautosomal regions of the U/V sex chromosomes of the brown alga Ectocarpus exhibit unusual features. R. Luthringer, AP. Lipinska, D. Roze, A. Cormier, N. Macaisne, AF. Peters, JM. Cock, SM. Coelho, Molecular Biology and Evolution Advance Access, 2015.

- Molecular and biochemical characterization of mannitol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase from the model brown alga Ectocarpus sp. Patricia Bonin, Agnès Groisillier, Alice Raimbault, Anaïs Guibert, Catherine Boyen, Thierry Tonon, Vol.117, Phytochemistry, ELSEVIER, 2015. 

- Comparative environmental life cycle assessment of two seaweed cultivation systems in North West Europe with a focus on quantifying sea surface occupation. Sue Ellen Taelman, Jennifer Champenois, Maeve D. Edwards, Steven De Meester, Jo Dewulf, Vol.11, Algal Research, ELSEVIER, 2015.

- Identification of proteins involved in desiccation tolerance in the red seaweed Pyropia orbicularis (Rhodophyta, Bangiales). Camilo López-Cristoffanini, Javier Zapata, Fanny Gaillard, Philippe Potin, Juan A. Correa and Loretto Contreras-Porcia, PROTEOMICS, 2015.

- Host-microbe interactions as a driver of acclimation to salinity gradients in brown algal  cultures. Simon Dittami, Laëtitia Duboscq-Bidot, Morgan Perennou, Angélique Gobet, Erwan Corre, Catherine Boyen and Thierry Tonon, The ISME journal, France, 2015.

- Governability of Kelp Forest Small-Scale Harvesting in Iroise Sea. K Frangoudes, C Garineaud - Interactive Governance for Small-Scale Fisheries, MARE Publication Series 13, France, 2015.

- Constitutive or Inducible Protective Mechanisms against UV-B Radiation in the Brown Alga Fucus vesiculosus? A Study of Gene Expression and Phlorotannin Content Responses. Creis E., Delage L., Charton S., Goulitquer S., Leblanc C., Potin P., Ar Gall E, 2015, PloS One.

- Molecular Interactions of β-(1→3)-Glucans with Their Receptors. Laurent Legentil, Franck Paris, Caroline Ballet, Sophie Trouvelot, Xavier Daire,Vaclav Vetvicka and Vincent Ferrières, 2015, Molecules.

- Canopy interactions and physical stress gradients in subtidal communities. Scott Bennett,Scott Bennett,Thomas Wernberg,Thibaut de Bettignies,Gary A. Kendrick,Robert J.Anderson,John J. Bolton, Kirsten L. Rodgers, Nick T.Shears, Jean-Charles Leclerc, Laurent Lévêque, Dominique Davoult and Hartvig C.Christie, 2015, Ecology Letters. Lien

- Genome-wide comparison of ultraviolet and ethyl methanesulphonate mutagenesis methods for the brown alga Ectocarpus. O Godfroy, AF Peters, SM Coelho, JM Cock, 2015. Marine Genomics, Elsevier. Lien

- Barcoding of cryptic stages of marine brown algae isolated from incubated substratum reveals high diversity in Acinetosporaceae (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae). Akira F. Peters, Lucía Couceiro, Konstantinos Tsiamis, Frithjof C. Küpper & Myriam Valero, 2015.Cryptogamie, Algologie.ADAC. The journal. 

- Vanadium haloperoxidases: from the discovery 30 years ago to X-Ray crystallographic and V K-edge absorption spectroscopic studies. C. Leblanc, H Vilter, JB Fournier, L Delage, P Potin, E. Rebuffet, G. Michel, P.L.Solari, M.C. Feiters, M. Czjzek, 2015. Elsevier B.V.

- Molecular evidence for the coexistence of two sibling species in Pylaiella littoralis (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae) along the Brittany coast. Geoffroy A., Mauger S., De Jode A., Le Gall L., Destombe C., 2015. Journal of Phycology.

- Structural and biochemical characterization of the laminarinase ZgLamCGH16 from Zobellia galactanivorans suggests preferred recognition of branched laminarin. A. Labourel et al., 2015. Acta Cryst.

- Biochemical and structural investigation of two paralogous glycoside hydrolases from Zobellia galactanivorans: novel insights into the evolution, dimerization plasticity and catalytic mechanism of the GH117 family.  E Ficko-Blean et al., 2015. Acta Cryst.

- Interactions and hybrid complex formation of anionic algal polysaccharides with a cationic glycine betaine-derived surfactant. Covis et al., 2015. Carbohydrate Polymers.



- Etude de la consommation des algues alimentaires en France, programme IDEALG Phase 1, Etude nationale, LE BRAS, Q. RITTER, L. FASQUEL, D. LESUEUR, M. LUCAS, S. GOUIN, S., 2014, publications du Pôle halieutique AGROCAMPUS OUEST, n°35, 72 p.

- Etude nationale de la consommation d'algues alimentaire : les freins à la consommation, programme IDEALG Phase 1,  LE BRAS, Q. RITTER, L. FASQUEL, D. LESUEUR, M. LUCAS, S. GOUIN, S., 2014, publications du Pôle halieutique AGROCAMPUS OUEST, n°34, 11 p.

- Etude nationale de la consommation d'algues alimentaires : le point de vue des non consommateurs, programme IDEALG Phase 1,  LE BRAS, Q. RITTER, L. FASQUEL, D. LESUEUR, M. LUCAS, S. GOUIN, S., 2014, publications du Pôle halieutique AGROCAMPUS OUEST, n°33,14 p.

- Etude nationale de la consommation d'algues alimentaires : comportements et motivations du consommateur, programme IDEALG Phase 1, LE BRAS, Q. RITTER, L. FASQUEL, D. LESUEUR, M. LUCAS, S. GOUIN, S., 2014, publications du Pôle halieutique AGROCAMPUS OUEST, n°32, 28 p

- Etude nationale de la consommation d'algues alimentaires : notoriété et images, programme IDEALG Phase 1, LE BRAS, Q. RITTER, L. FASQUEL, D. LESUEUR, M. LUCAS, S. GOUIN, S., 2014. publications du Pôle halieutique AGROCAMPUS OUEST, n°31, 16 p.

- Etude nationale de la consommation d'algues alimentaires : Contexte et méthodologie, ogramme IDEALG Phase 1, LE BRAS, Q. RITTER, L. FASQUEL, D. LESUEUR, M. LUCAS, S. GOUIN, S., 2014,  publications du Pôle halieutique AGROCAMPUS OUEST, n°30, 24 p.


- Tracing the Trans-Pacific Evolutionary History of a Domesticated Seaweed (Gracilaria chilensis) with Archaeological and Genetic Data. Guillemin et al., 2014. PLOS ONE. Lien.

- Community, trophic structure and functioning in two contrasting Laminaria hyperborea forests. J.C Leclerc et al., 2014. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. Lien.

- Marine habitats ecosystem service potential: A vulnerability approach in the Normand-Breton (SaintMalo) Gulf, France. Cabral et al., 2014. Ecosystem Services. Lien.

- Functional screening of a metagenomic library of seaweed-associated microbiota: identification and characterization of a halotolerant, cold active marine endo-ß-1,4-endoglucanase. Martin et al., 2014. Applied Environmental Microbiology. Lien.

- Chondrus crispus - A present and historical Model organism for Red seaweeds. Jonas Collén et al. Chaptre de livre : "Advances in Botanical Research - Sea Plants", Volume 71, édité par N. Bougougnon. Editions AP - 2014. Lien.

- Physiological plasticity of Dictyota kunthii (Phaeophyceae) to copper excess. Sordet et al., 2014. Aquatic Toxicology 150, 220-228. Lien

- RT-qPCR Normalization Genes in the Red Alga Chondrus crispus. Kowalczyk et al., 2014. PlosOne. Lien 

- Genome and metabolic network of “Candidatus Phaeomarinobacter ectocarpi” Ec32, a new candidate genus of Alphaproteobacteria frequently associated with brown algae. Dittami et al., 2014. Frontiers in Genetics. Lien.

- Transcriptomic and metabolomic analysis of copper stress acclimation in Ectocarpus siliculosus highlights signaling and tolerance mechanisms in brown algae. Ritter et al., 2014. BMC Plant Biology 14: 116. Lien.

- Contrasting genetic diversity patterns in two sister kelp species co-distributed along the coast of Brittany, France. Robuchon et al., 2014. Molecular Ecology 23, 2669-2685. Lien.

- Kelps feature systemic defense responses: insights into the evolution of innate immunity in multicellular eukaryotes. Thomas et al., 2014. New Phytologist. Article.

- A metabolic approach to study algal-bacterial interactions in changing environments. Dittami et al., 2014. Molecular Ecology. Lien vers Abstract.

- The B-glucanase ZgLamA from Zobellia galactanivorans evolved a bent active site adapted for afficient degradation of algal laminarin. Labourel et al., 2014. The Journal of Biochemistry, Vol 289 N°4, pp 2027-2042. Lien.

- Mannitol metabolism in brown algae involves a new phosphatase family. Agnès Groisillier, Zhanru Shao1,Gurvan Michel, Sophie Goulitquer,Patricia Bonin,Stefan Krahulec, Bernd Nidetzky,Delin Duan,Catherine Boyen and Thierry Tonon, 2014.Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol. 65, No. 2



Structure/function studies of vanadium iodoperoxidase from the bacterium Zobellia galactanivorans. J.-B. Fournier, L. Delage, S. Belin, P. Potin, M. Feiters, M. Czjzek, P. L. Solari, C. Leblanc, 2013, European Biophysic Journal. 42 (Suppl 1): S176

- Temporal variation in organic matter supply in kelp forests: linking structure to trophic functioning. Leclerc et al., 2013. Marine Ecology Progress Series 494, 87-105. Lien

- Trophic significance of kelps in kelp communities in Brittany (France) inferred from isotopic comparisons. J.C Leclerc et al., 2013. Marine Biology. Lien.

- Extending the Metabolic Network of Ectocarpus Siliculosus Using Answer Set Programming. Collet et al., 2013. Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8148, 245-256. Lien.

- MeDUSA: a sage-based tool for computing the stoichiometric capacitance of a metabolic network. M. Budinich et al., 2013.

- Analysis of a Type III Polyketide Synthase Function and Structure in the Brown Alga Ectocarpus siliculosus Reveals a Previously Unknown Biochemical Pathway in Phlorotannin Monomer Biosynthesis. Meslet-Cladière et al., 2013. PlantCell.

- Genome structure and metabolic features in the red seaweed Chondrus crispus shed light on evolution of the Archaeplastida. Collén et al., 2013. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. DOI 10.1073/pnas.1221259110

- Idealg project: 10 years to make the best of algal genomics and post-genomics for the development of seaweed aquaculture and associated biotechnologies. M. Ras, C. Boyen, P. Potin, JUL 2013, N°52, Issue 4, p.90-90 



- Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabolomics to Elucidate Functions in Marine Organisms and Ecosystems. Goulitquer et al., 2012. Marine Drugs, Vol 10(4), p 849-880.



- Utilisation de "polyketide synthases de type lll (PKS lll) recombinantes d'algues brunes marines , Delage L., Meslet-Cladiere L.,Goulitquer S. and Potin P. 2011.  France, n° 1158728, date de dépôt 29/09/2011. PCT procedure in progress.

- Bacterial iodoperoxidases from Zobellia galactanivorans, Methods of preparation and uses thereof , Leblanc, C., L. Delage, G. Michel, E. Rebuffet, M. Czjzek, and P. Potin, 2011. European Patent n° 11305864.8, France, date de dépôt 05/07/11.

- Ovel bacterial iodoperoxidases from Zobellia galactanivorans, Methods of preparation and uses thereof , Fournier J.-B., Delage L., Michel G., Potin P., Czjzek M., Leblanc C. (2012).  Demande de Brevet Européen n°12306718.3 (date de dépôt 31/12/12).